Ahhhh I Have A Mantis!


Fish Addict
Nov 14, 2005
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Well after all this time of thinking i didnt have one, i do ****! Its small about 2cms maybe smaller but damn i wanna kill it.

PLease help with any ideas on how to catch them. Also im not sure what i saw on my zoos other day but looked like tiny grey things going along the zoos, so i freshwater dipped them and killed the sods but they too small to make out, think it could be mantis fry???

HELP! :shout:
OK, first off, do you have a sump? Mantis shrimp are a great pet apparently, so someone local may want it ;) Catching and moving it into the sump would be more humane than killing it, and you have the possibility of getting some £ for it... For catching, try and work out where it is and then "target feed" it with a net near-by. Tempt it out with a meaty morsle on a feeding stick after lights out and when it comes out for lunch, net the little so-and-so ;)

Any chance of a macro shot of these little grey things on your zoos? They could be nudibranche's mebe, or some other parasite?

All the best
Are you 100% sure its a mantis? did it happen to look anything like the picture below?

Well tbh i went OTT and made 2 traps shoved loads of live brineshrimp in them and most is now floating around now :S but i cld be chasing shadows but i swear i saw one, although in the dark it could of been an pod, but i have lost one hermit.... and have herd clicking only on 2 occasions...

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