Ahhh New Bettas, My First Ct's


Fish Crazy
Jun 24, 2005
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Currently I have three blue/bf/marble HM spawns maturing, and now LFS asked me to start supplying them some crowntails. I have never owned crowntails, but was able to find a fantastic line of marbles:) Which is good, since they want some color variation in the stock.

I have one gorgeous male CT, he is a purpley pink/blue/white marble piebald my daughter has named 'Feather' lol.
I also obtained with him two lovely ladies, a female cambo fuschia butterfly CT, and a electric blue/red marble CT. I am very excited to see how these pairings work on on a new line

I'll post some pics later, right now they are just settling in. :wub:

*** Edit - ok here are a few pics, sorry they are crappy, and taken with the flash so the colors are off...the male is actually lavendar/blue and white, the female is a fuscia bf cambo. The other new female was camera shy. and added in a few pics of my fave boy, Mooney. He is such a character and very sweet - he comes to me when I talk to him and wags like a dog. You see him sitting here in his nest:)) And, he turned out to be a fab papa so I am just waiting for his bebees to grow big! He is a HM marble, koi. He is probably OHM , but it is hard to get a good flare out of him he is lazy and not easily provoked.:)) His caudal has great, straight edges too.

Ack, memory card is missing, will track it down and try to post tomorrow.:)
Mooney:))DSCF0975.JPG This is today thought it shows him darker than natural - the pic in teh avatar is him at 3 months, see how much they darken!

final oneDSCF0884.JPG

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