AHH Mean guppies


Fish Fanatic
May 1, 2004
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Emmett, Idaho
Ok, so I thought guppies where nice, friendly fish. YEAH RIGHT! Jack isn't. Brat, fin nipping mean fish. lol Ok, so I got 5 guppies and then find out 5 is bad with only MALE guppies. So, yeah, the one I think was sick when I got him, I mean he was fine in store, but just was shook up from trip home and never recovered. Died the next day. Sad, but it seems my luck to at least lose one fish when starting out. So, then the next day I see the yellow one getting really shook up, and all the sudden, that night, he died. Then today I find the reason why I lost the other two. My blue/green one was chasing and fin nipping. Even tore nice chunk out of the tail of one rainbow speckled one ( ok, I don't know breed names) So I watch Jack chase both other males with out stop. I kind of am between paydays so getting females at the moment is out of the question. And the one male is already majorly stressed, I hope he'll come out of it, I added stress stuff, but he's still nervouse. So, I found a quick solution... Jack found new home. Luckily my friend had some fish and a 55 gal tank. So I asked him and Jack got a nice new home. The other 2 have been nice to each other, they get along. So hopefully they will get along and that sherbet will snap out of it and live. Anyway, we'll probably pick up a platy for a tank mate... well 2 platties I think. Jack reminded me of my female beta that would chase, stress and kill every fish ever put in her tank. She did that so much that we gave up and just kept her till she died. Got to admit, I loved that little murderess. lol She showed her fins off like she was smiling when she killed the last one. Very Unsocial. lol
Glad you found a new home for Jack the Ripper (or was that Jack the Fin Nipper), anyways, I hope that your others recover quickly and that they all get along in the future!

heh i have 5 male pacifist guppies, that gouramis on the other hand.......
jams.alaskan said:
Glad you found a new home for Jack the Ripper (or was that Jack the Fin Nipper), anyways, I hope that your others recover quickly and that they all get along in the future!

Jams you kill me ....Jack the Nipper :rofl:
:rofl: I love that! Yes, Jack The Fin Nipper is better then his oringal name... POTC fan- Captain Jack Sparrow, and boy did he take charge.
Well I ended up losing the one that had the chunk out of tail. Now I have only one left. He's still shaken up even after 2 days, but he's alive. He doesn't seem to be eating, and stays at bottom of tank now. So I'm not sure if he'll pull out of it or not. Had water tested by LFS to be certain it's ok. It checked out fine.

I am still looking into getting compatibly fish for him, though I'm confused about the Platties. One site says Platties can be with guppies, another says no they can't. One gives one set of temps for the fish, and another gives me different ones. So ... yes or no, can Platties (not full grown yet) be with a single guppy? I'm planning the tank around the guppy, So if he lives, he'll have 'friends', if he doesn't... then I still have a nice tank. Thinking of getting 2 platties and 2 red phantom tetras. Seem reasonable? I've read up and they are all around same size at full growth, same temp areas and same food requirments. All are peaceful, and I know platties are normally nice fish.

Question- one site says Guppies full grown size is 1", other says 1.5" - 2", which is correct? I've never seen that large of a guppy, but I could be wrong.

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