Ah! Shoot! They Lived Through The Ammonia Spike!


Fish Addict
Apr 27, 2006
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:/ So I had cory eggs in a fish net inside my 55 gallon basment tank. there was a spike so i did not thign they would live, I opened the tank hood and ooked inside and inside where baby cories!! -_- will they eat green water? if not I have nother to feed them then what is on my HC and wristeria.
:/ So I had cory eggs in a fish net inside my 55 gallon basment tank. there was a spike so i did not thign they would live, I opened the tank hood and ooked inside and inside where baby cories!! -_- will they eat green water? if not I have nother to feed them then what is on my HC and wristeria.

get some microworm sorted for the next week or so. For now, you can feed them on liquifry for egg bearers, but they will grow better and faster with microworm they need feeding at least twice a day

After a few weeks, feed them 3 times aday, twice with Mworm and once with decapsulted BS if you can :)
yeah.. mircoworms.. no clue about them.. no where to get them..
yeah.. mircoworms.. no clue about them.. no where to get them..

I had the same problem, everyone keeps talking about microworms being the best food for new fry, as far as I can see you can't buy them in the shops but a quick search on e-bay should solve your problem, try here, I've just ordered some myself for the sterbai fry I'm hoping will hatch towards the end of next week :)


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