Ah Bummer...


Fish Crazy
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
Daytona Beach, FL USA
My 7 gallon tank looked like fish stew this morning when I got here. Jaws the Great White Angelfish was still in there so I assumed he killed everybody on a weekend rampage...but then I noticed the temp. 96 degrees. No wonder. I checked the heater I had put in there last week and it is set on 86...guess I'm tossing it out. Man does this tank stink.
Did 2 30% water changes and cleaned out the corpses and rinsed out the filter. Water is looking pretty cloudy...I expect some spikes from the decomposing fish bits that's dissolved in the water. I'll do more water changes tomorrow morning.

The serpae tetras I'm not going to miss that much, they were jerks. I feel bad for the trio of albino corys I had in there though. :(

Guess I need to update my sig.
Right - I've had enough of this......

Im gonna get my electrical engineer of a boyfriend to design a feedback loop that will switch heaters off if the tank gets too hot, and back on if it gets too cold.

This happens too often.
Right - I've had enough of this......

Im gonna get my electrical engineer of a boyfriend to design a feedback loop that will switch heaters off if the tank gets too hot, and back on if it gets too cold.

This happens too often.

Well, technically its supposed to work like that. Somehow water got inside of this one and made it malfunction.

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