
A tank with a sand substrate, many small caves and live or plastic plants is best for dwarf puffers and corys.
I think sand is easier on the corys barbels. My corys are in a gravel tank, though, and they don't seem to bad. If you're going gravel, make it fine (about 1/8"), smooth gravel.

Follow up question; Do dwarf puffers prefer sand to gravel, or are they apathetic to either?
TorPeteO said:
Do dwarf puffers prefer sand to gravel, or are they apathetic to either?
In my experience, sand.
Puffers sometimes like to bury themselves.

Also, imo, sand is easier to maintain and clean.
Fish00 said:
Fine compremise lower level of gravel for plants to be umm planted & sand above.
That's a good theory. But in practice it will never work. The ssand being of fine grain will sink below the gravel, thus reversing your attempt at layering. The gravel will eventually come out on top of the sand.

And sand is best for cories, as was mentioned, to protect their barbels and prevent barbel erosion and possible infection.

This is it so far...

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