agressive tank ... convict and parrot what matches


New Member
Aug 7, 2004
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Rockaway Beach NY
hey i have a 20 gl tank. I have currently a pink convict, a parrot fish (dyed a fading blue), and a spotted cat fish. I have had an oscar but he got sick and they killed him... and i have had a fish im nto sure what it was. I was a long thing shiny red tailed fish with light yellow fins... name might sound somehting like Chelsea.. aha not sure. He was good witht hem for many month and recently they turned on him and eventaully got his eye and put in in bad shape.. eventually dying. The parrot and the convict get along alright and hold their own again each other. the cat fish is my favorite hes cool and hang out no problem. What other fish can i get in there that will be able to also hold its own and looks good? open to any and all suggestions.... -_-

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