Agressive Red Fin Shark

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Fish Crazy
Jun 28, 2004
Reaction score
Surrey, UK
I have an albino red fin shark who is chasing all the other tank inhabitants although I thought they were only supposed to be agressive to their own species.

This little mare chases anything of any colour and any shape (espcially orange colour or shark-ish shape).

I can't re-house her at present as my other tanks are
a ) full of danio fry (a meal for sure)
b ) full of guppy fry (Yum again)
c ) have other more timid shark-shaped fish in.

I've added plenty of plants and stuff to break up the scenery and provide hiding places but she is still chasing everyone.

I can't get rid of her because she belongs to my daughter.

Would another red fin shark be a "play-mate" she can work out her agression on or would it merely compound the problem and then I'd have 2 agressive chasers? I'm hoping another might turn round and bite her on the ass!

Suggestions please from anyone who has experienced this problem before.
Have to admit I have never owned a albino red fin shark but used to have a red tailed black shark that did the same thing. In the end I had to keep him in a tank on his own which wasn't the ideal situation so for his own sack I gave him to a friend who had bigger fish that could keep in in check.

IMO Keeping two of them would just double the problem :/ Giving him away may be your only option.
Another RTb would not solve anything...They are IMO not community fish and as they get older they get worse. If you cant re-house him with fish that can take it then i would suggest looking at taking him back...maybe your daughter can pick out a replacement for him. Hope i helped a little :)
what size tank is it in?

the only option in keeping it would be to get a larger tank, i have a regular rainbow shark and it does its chasing but it doesn't go out of its way to chase and it's getting around full grown i think
xXMrBonesXx said:
what size tank is it in?

the only option in keeping it would be to get a larger tank, i have a regular rainbow shark and it does its chasing but it doesn't go out of its way to chase and it's getting around full grown i think
Everybody wants to get another tank :p ...This can be your reason to :rolleyes:
This is in a 4ft tank. If I add ANOTHER tank there won't be room for any humans in the house!
what fish is it chaseing? get more tuff fish if your that attached, another shark wouldnt help they would prob end up fighting or at least thats what ive herd territoy means alot mabe theyd be good with tiger barbs there awsome fish....I wish I had them right now lol
It chases ALL the other fish. All of them.

Everything. -_-

All shapes & colours but especially orange fish or shark-shaped fish. :blink:

Danios, Neons, Guppies, Loaches, Black moors, Cher, show her a fish... she'll chase it. :blink:

I have shifted it from one tank to another trying to find something it won't chase (or worse, eat).

I'll settle for "chase less" now rather than stop completely.
keeper-of-fish said:
what fish is it chaseing? get more tuff fish if your that attached, another shark wouldnt help they would prob end up fighting or at least thats what ive herd territoy means alot mabe theyd be good with tiger barbs there awsome fish....I wish I had them right now lol
Tiger barbs are on my Rtb's list of favorite things to chase...Cooklet has it right.... semi-aggressive cichlid's do good with them..not as fragile as a some smaller fish.
Great idea! I saw some lovely ciclids at the LFS (blue and black vertical stripes) and I wanted some but I couldn't house them with the fish I already have. Time for a tank for my bedroom methinks!

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