I recently set up a 29 gallon community tank and after much research decided I just had to have a pair of Pearl Gouramis since they were described as peaceful and the nicest of all gouramis. Well I got 2 and they are about 1" each right now. I later put in 2 panda corys- no problem and them 6 White Cloud Mountain Minnows- no problem. When if feed the others fish food I also put in a sinking tablet for the corys. Well this morning apparently one of the Pearl Gouramis discovered the sinking tablet and decided it was his. He then found out the the corys would run if he chased them. He now seems to consider it great sport to chase the corys, who by the way are my favorites. He ( I actually dont know if it is a he or she) has also been chasing the other gourami. Is this brat going thru a fishy puberty or is this probably only going to get worse? He is about to get a time out in a tank of his own. I would appreciate any input on this.