Agressive Male Platy


Fish Fanatic
Sep 5, 2010
Reaction score
Kenilworth, UK
I recently set up a tank and put Cherry Barbs in there (there are now 6 of these).

last week I went to a LFS and bought 3 Mickey Mouse Platies. Knowing that the ratio is usually more females to males I asked for 2 females and 1 male.

I introduced these to the tank last weekend and all seemed fine.

Now I realise that the shop actually sold me 2 males and 1 female and the bigger male is relentlessly chasing the smaller male around the tank and is not too friendly with the female either. The small male is obviously stressed and sometimes hides in the plants.

I suppose I have 3 options.

1 Return the male to the shop and swap for a female Mickey Mouse.
2 Buy 3 more Mickey Mouse females to establish a 2:1 ratio of females:males. (The shop said they didn't have many females so this might not be possible)
3 Buy 3 female Platies of a different kind (they had some very nice varieties in the shop).

I think I would prefer option 3, but is this possible? Does the ratio idea work with mixed Platy types or should I go for one of the other options.

i personally would take the agressive male back and swap for a female, then if you like other females just add them aswell.

my large sword is a bit nippy with the new younger male but is calming down and i have 6 females :lol:

either way prepare for babies
Option 3 should be fine, although beware of a population explosion. Platys are not "different types", they are (mostly) the same, just different colour morphs.
Definitely take him back if they dont have any as the weaker one will die from the stress.
I learnt the hard way as two agressive males got rid of the other males and a female.
Thanks, All.

I just heard from the shop that they don't have any female MM platies in at the moment so I am going to have to go for option 3 I think...
take the bully back and swap it for any female, there all platies just different colours, you could always get extra females.

if you do keep the male then your smaller one will probably get stress to death

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