Okay... been conditioning a couple of females and a male betta for breeding. I tried the first female yesterday. She was having none of it. Neither she nor the male was particularly aggressive or violent (he was really trying to impress her, though), but I could see she wasn't interested, so I removed her.
This afternoon it was the second female's turn to see if she was in the mood for a lil bubble nesting. I put her in a jar and floated the jar in his tank. HOLY CRUMB!! She's soooo aggro. The other female seemed scared when I first put her jar in the tank. Her colours all kind of washed out, and she was obviously looking for somewhere to hide. This female started flaring up a storm as soon as I put her in and all her colour popped right out. She follows the male as he swims around her jar, challenging him and flaring at him. Now, here's the part that is concerning me a bit... she seems to be blowing a lot of bubbles, like she's nest building. Is this at all normal for a female, or do I have a short finned male?? She certainly looks exactly like my other female, aside from slightly different colours. It will be about five or six hours before I release her (?) into his tank. Any advice appreciated!!!
This afternoon it was the second female's turn to see if she was in the mood for a lil bubble nesting. I put her in a jar and floated the jar in his tank. HOLY CRUMB!! She's soooo aggro. The other female seemed scared when I first put her jar in the tank. Her colours all kind of washed out, and she was obviously looking for somewhere to hide. This female started flaring up a storm as soon as I put her in and all her colour popped right out. She follows the male as he swims around her jar, challenging him and flaring at him. Now, here's the part that is concerning me a bit... she seems to be blowing a lot of bubbles, like she's nest building. Is this at all normal for a female, or do I have a short finned male?? She certainly looks exactly like my other female, aside from slightly different colours. It will be about five or six hours before I release her (?) into his tank. Any advice appreciated!!!