Aggressive Peacock Eel?


New Member
Feb 8, 2007
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I currently have a Peacock Eel and a striped Peacock Eel in the same tank in my room. Both Eels are the same size around 4 to 5 inches. They're still young. I was wondering if anyone knows how Eels act towards each other when they don't get along? One of my Eels will follow the other one around and push/nudge it with his (I don't know if it's a he or she) head and I'm starting to worry if they're going to hurt each other. It confuses me because the one Eel follows the other one, the one being followed doesn't seem to run or try and escape, so I don't know if they are fighting, establishing dominance or mating. I received them from different places at different times but both places I got them from had a large amount (5-10) of eels in the same tank. They were also mixed up with different kinds of Eels. Can anyone tell me as much as they know about Eels behavoir towards each other, like what they do, how they do it, why they might do it?

Thank you,
Brian Bishop
My little uns appear to get on. the dayi and the siamensis dont have much to do with one another really, although the dayi is a fair bit bigger and will occasionally approach the siamensis who zooms off......

the zebras have had their fallings out, but nothing serious and are now perfectly happy together, the aral is quite secretive in with them, i may move him shortly (will have to eventually anyway as that tanks not really big enough for him) ......

Ellis wouldnt get on with anyone but then he is a vicious little sod...... my CAT sits on his tank and i swear if he ever fell in Ellis would try to eat him....
i had a similar problem with a fire eel and a half banded eel.the fire eel would constantly follow the banded eel around the tank biting him and pushing him around.i dont think it was doing any damage to the smaller eel but i felt sorry for it being harassed all the time so i rehomed it.
what size is their tank?

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