Aggressive Otto


New Member
Sep 22, 2021
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When feeding fish today I noticed my single Otto nipping at the catfish tails fins and sometimes body when they got close. He is on his own as he is the sole survivor or 4 we had. He seems to be eating, very active all over the tank. My question is, though: as he is so small can he actually hurt the Cory (I know they are armoured) and will this cause stress to the Otto and/or other fish. I noticed he ‘pecked’ at a Honey Gourami when she got too close at the same time. This seems to be uncharacteristic of Ottocinculus and wondered if anyone had any ideas about different feeding times or if this I normal? Their feeding schedule is as follows:

Morning to early afternoon flake and micro granules, afternoon catfish pellets and either same time or evening one hikari algae wafer (sometimes I put the wafer in early if BN Plec is out and about.

The water parameters are: ph 6.4, ammonia/nitrites 0, nitrates 10-15ppm

Thanks in advance
I can't answer all your questions except that your oto's behavior is most likely because it's alone. It is more secure in a group of otos. In a group they are pretty peaceful.
Sounds "weird" for an oto but I heared it before. Is it fed some protein as well ?

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