Aggressive Molly


New Member
Sep 10, 2006
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New York, NY
So I've got four mollies.
Two black mollies, one 24 carat molly and one silver lyretail molly.
My 24 KT molly acts aggressive towards my silver molly.
It chases it around the tank. It does it every day, many times, and at this point, my poor silver molly runs away every time the 24 KT one approaches. It's afraid of being near it, and it's interfering with its eating, especially if the 24 molly is nearby.
The other mollies are not affected, they're not chased around, nor are they afraid.
How can I fix this problem? :blink:
I'm having a similar problem with mine...I have 3 mollies in a 10 gallon tank. My lyretail has singled out my balloon belly for bullying, but leaves the dalmation alone. I'm not even close to being experienced, but I'm told that it has a lot to do with the tank size and the amount of mollies. Most sources say there is a lot less agression in a tank with at least 15 gallons, in a group of at least 6 mollies with twice as many females than males. Needless to say I'm looking to upgrade soon, and it might help yours as well. Separating them is also an option.
Mollies get rather aggressive towards eachother, for many reasons, mainly mating, food and territory.
Maybe you should move your silver mollie from the tank, or it may die.
What gender are those two? If they are male, that explains it. They would probably be fighting over the females.

If they aren't male, can you tell us more about your tank? Size, what fish, how many decorations..etc.
The 24 KT (the one doing the bullying) is a female, I'm really not sure about the silver one.
I'll post pictures as soon as I can, but that won't be until friday probably because my tank is at home and I'm off at college :/ Poo
I have a 10 gallon tank, four mollies, three plants one rock-like structure and a sunken ship.
Hmm. Well, they are probably feeling a bit cramped and are fighting over territory and food. Any chance you could upgrade the tank size?
i'm having a little bit of the same problem but hoping to get around it

ever since the two sailfin mollies passed away the black sailfin molly had no one to school with. she likes to chase and harras the rainbows and sometimes the platies

finally i've upgraded to 95 gallon so i could add the other two sailfins from the 25 gallon in with her in the 95

she's chasing the mollies away at the moment, but i'm hoping as the two smaller sailfin's get bigger they'll all school together

originally when they were in a 3 (two females, one male) they were fab together. as soon as it got overstocked and the two sailfins died i had big problems.

space and a couple of friends works good, i think, gulp!

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