Fish Fanatic
My pair of Kribs spawned some time ago. The babies have been free swimming for 6 weeks and are quite big, I still have a dozen of them which I think is quite a lot to survive in a community tank with angels, rainbows and lots of tetras. Anyway the numbers havent reduced in three weeks and the babies happily swim up to the middle of the tank to get food and are ignored by all the other fish so I guess I am stuck with a dozen young Kribs to find new homes for. The problem is my female Krib wants to breed again, she doesnt take much interest in the babies any more. However the male is having none of it, he put up with her shaking and showing her big red belly to him for a while but now he has turned nasty. He is still protecting his babies and now regards the female as a threat to them even though she just ignores them. He has become very aggressive more so than when the babies were just born and especially chases the female Krib. I found her hiding in the plants this morning. Has this happened to anyone else or is this unusual behaviour for a male Krib to be so devoted?