Aggressive Japanese Fighting Fish


Fish Fanatic
Jan 13, 2006
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hi, i have had my tank going for about a week now and only have neon tetras and a male japanese fighting fish in it, they were all getting along fine until today, i decided that i wanted a few more tetras so went and got some more. My fighter has now attacked and killed one tetra and was going for the others, not only the new ones but also the ones that he has been with all week, i have removed him for the moment but am wondering if anyone knows why this might be happening, i bought all the fish from the same shop and was told they should be fine in a tank together. Was i told wrong?
Any help anyone can offer would be greatly appreciated.
They've very aggressive, some more than others. I'll move this to the betta forum so you'll get more help. For now it's probably best if you keep him alone.
there is only 3 things i can think of that you could do

1. rearange the tank an add some new plants an such to mess up his terratorys(most likly not to work but it could be worth a shot)

2. return your betta (i know a sad thing tosay but if hes gonna kill all your fish you need to have something to do with him an flushing for no reason is not an option)

3. go buy a 1gal bowl for about 5$ from any LFS or the dreaded walmart an put him in there with some plants (i personaly would do this and i think you should too :p)
thanks guys
certainly wouldnt flush him, not for just being himself. Have thought about returning him but will more likely get a smaller bown just for him.
thanks again
no prob...make sure you dont use plastic plants if you are gonna get plants get real or silk...plastic shreds their fins...i learned that the hard way
...aaaand when getting that "smaller bowl", get one that's at least 1g or you'll eventually have trouble with his pretty fins developing ammonia burns.
p.s. it's not japanese fighting fish, it's siamese fighting fish.
there's no such thing as a japanese fighting fish.
you don't say how big your tank is?? also having neons in a tank only 1 week old is kinda worrying as i don't think you cycled it ???? the neons should only be put in 6 months after the tank has been gong properly,

Sorry if i seem mean :p just saving the lil fishies :p


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