Aggressive Green Tiger Barb


Fish Fanatic
Oct 9, 2012
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i have been keeping green tiger barbs in my 15 gallon for years but i have just encountered a problem.
Admittedly barbs are fairly aggressive but my largest one has become unnaturally so. He is attacking my other 4 relentlessly and they have resorted to hiding away all day.....

:unsure:Any advice?
That one has become the dominate in the group. Best bet is to rehome him.
Might be difficult to find someone to take him though :/

You could try upping your shoal to six or seven.
Hmm my lfs would probably take him in...

Would 6/7 barbs work in a 15 gallon? there is also a ram and a bristlenose in the tank too
Yes, as long as your filtration is up to it and you keep on top of your water changes.

If you rehome him, you might find that another one takes over the 'top dog' role, and becomes just as bad as he is now :/
yeah, my filters great and i change a third of the water per week so that should not be a problem.
i guess i'm taking a trip to my lfs tomorrow then
would it matter if the new barbs are slightly smaller?
It shouldn't do, no; I've never had problems adding smaller fish to shoals.
I went and bought 2 new barbs today, they have been in the tank for an hour now but nothing has really changed. how long do you think it will be until his behaviour changes?
I went and bought 2 new barbs today, they have been in the tank for an hour now but nothing has really changed. how long do you think it will be until his behaviour changes?

As a barb lover, I think it is normal for it to take time (even up to two weeks) for the other barbs to accept new barbs. Sometimes it happens right away, and sometimes it takes longer. Just keep an eye out for aggression, especially with the bigger one, and keep an eye on the two new ones (especially if they're smaller) to make sure the others aren't attacking when the lights go out. GL!
>>> barbs are fairly aggressive

Raised my eyebrows. Very few of the many barb species have any aggression at all.
>>> barbs are fairly aggressive

Raised my eyebrows. Very few of the many barb species have any aggression at all.
Agreed. Out of the commonly kept barbs, it's really only tigers that cause problems.
Yes, they are the same fish, just a colour variation.
The OP said barbs, not tiger barbs. Makes a difference.

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