Aggressive Fish


Fish Crazy
Jul 30, 2007
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Up until a few weeks I had two mollies m/f the male died of illness :sad: . I had no problem with either of them at all. Over the last few days my female had been very aggressive towards the other fish, even to the point of chasing the other fish from across the other side of the tank :angry: . I think only one fish is safe and that’s Derek the plec. She chases the tiger barbs, the neon’s, the cory’s and the harlequins. Is there any thing I can do to stop this or is time she is moved. Or is she just establishing the pecking order as new fish have been introduced?
it's very odd for her to chase tiger barbs as they are aggressive themselves, are you positive it is not the male still alive? male mollies/swordtails can be very aggressive too, a lot more than a female would be. If you are sure she is stressing out other fish then try to maybe put in another female and a male but for now check what sex this fish is, if it is a male, put in 2 more female mollies but be prepared to have babies, yet if it's female try putting in one or two more females because this might give her some friends to play with! Hope this helps, need any more help give me a PM!
yep, she a she? thing is is my tanks quite well stocked now and don't want to over stock.
my tank so far?
4 tiger barbs
2 corys
2 rams
4 neon tetras
4 black tetras
a plec
a mollie

so i don't think i can or want to put any more fish in, at the moment they all have enought space to swim. (24"x14"x18) i think?
yeah i see you've got a pretty well stocked tank... hmm well if you have a secondary tank try moving her into there, or if you can add another female as i said, let me know how she's going or if she calms down
yeah i will try, i do have a second tank that i'm about to set up but it will be a bad move to her in that one, going be set up for Piranha :blink:
Perhaps she's pregnant and defending a birth site?
it is possible, but it's the whole tank not just area. they are egg layers arn't they?
it is possible, but it's the whole tank not just area. they are egg layers arn't they?

No they are livebearers my female molly does this all the time when she is getting ready to give birth! have you noticed if she has changed shape any? if she was with a male it's more than likley that she's pregnant and nearly ready to give birth.
well she always have been a bit fat? i will keep a close eye on her. am i right in think the female mollys can store the sperm and reproduce more than once after the male has gone? or am i just being a bit dumb and thinking of some thing else?

thanks for all the replys any way :cool:
ooo! :huh: well i better keep an eye on her, if she is pregnant i better move fast cos i don't think them little guys would last too long in the tank with the tiger's? just hope she has them when i'm there, at least them i may beable to save a few. :/

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