Aggressive Female Guppies


New Member
Apr 14, 2003
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I have 2 aggressive female guppies that have destroyed my 2 male swordtails fins and my bettas fins. I have since moved my swords and betta to a recovery tank. My petshop has said they have never heard of aggressive guppies and they have advised me to flush the females. But I am reluctant as they are pregnant and that is pretty cruel.

What should I do and will my swords and betta's fins recovery as the swords are really expensive Albino red lyretail giant swords which are scarce and I paid top dollar for.
Well, I can say I have one agressive female guppy but it doesnt go as far as fin nipping. It does bump sides of other fish during feedings just to steal the food.

Are you sure it's the guppies doing it????? :unsure:

Using Melafix to heal the fins should do the trick. Follow the directions on the bottle. You should see a difference in a few days.
I have never heard of aggressive females it's usually the males aint it?

I'm not sure what to suggest but don't flush them that is curl and inhuman and against the law!!!

Maybe they are high rate coz there preggs maybe they be better after the have dropped there babies. could be hormone inbalance!!

Were they acting like this before they became pregnant?
I have actually witnessed with my own eyes the female guppies eating at my sword's dorsal fin. I doubt I'll be able to see results in a few days if I use that medicine b/c the entire dorsal fin of one of the swords is COMPLETELY OFF!!! I hope he doesn't die b/c he is truely a beautiful fish.

It may actually be the pregnancies that are causing the aggressiveness b/c they weren't like this previously.
Ive never heard of guppies but I have a couple of black mollies and the are devils and they double team the other fish I have seen them do it with my own two eyes they dont have to nip fins they can whip the living water out of them so why bite fins they were raised together and they cant move without the other I have tried spiting them up they wouldnt eat at all so what is anyone supposed to do do i bought them a tank of thier own. They just look so small in that big tank and just them 2 babies.
Don't worry too much about the fish dying from fin nipping

I had a pack of zebra danios (emphasise "had", went back to the shop) that trimmed all but the stubs off every fin on a platy, after a week of treatment with melafix, he was his usual self. He now lives in a peaceful community tank, and all fins have grown back 100%, and he looks beautiful

Is your tank well planted. It may help to add some big plants to the tank to allow the fish being attacked to hide out of the way. Aggression could well be a pregnant female feeling threatened. Give them a hidey hole, and this may help to make them feel more at home and less aggressive

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