Aggressive blackskirts


Feb 17, 2004
Reaction score
Chambersburg, PA (USA)
I have 2 black tetras in my 20g tank. They're fun to watch, especially when one decides to "speed up" the other by chasing it. I figured this was normal behavior for the species. Today my dad told me he saw one black tetra chasing the pristellas and the 2 inch swordfish :blink: That fish better not go after the glass cats, or he finds a new home!
Tetras are fin-nippers by nature. Then only way you can stop them from doing this or preventing this is by adding other tetras of the same species. That way they'll nip each other playfully and leave the others alone.

I'd suggest around six. I have seven in mine and they are the most lethargic and most amiable of all of my fish, and I have platties in there!
yeah, thats pretty much all you can do
Pretty much all of the tetras are front toothed nippers if the chance arises, however, they are schooling fish and normally chase each other about rather than others. 2 is not really a school, you need a few more.
Thanks for the info. Thinking about getting another black tetra or two ... or possibly starting up another aquarium. I've also heard some fish are a little more territorial than usual until they get used to the tank (it's only a week old).
thats weird i have 5 BSTs in my 29 gal with long finned fish and they keep to them selves and dont bother anyone else..... maybee its just becase you have 2 :dunno:
I only got two with the fish in my signature look and they leave them alone
I've come to the conclusion that one of the black tetras is just a troublemaker.

I think I fixed him today when I replaced a swordtail that died with a MUCH bigger female. Once he saw there were two bigger fish in the tank he was on good behavior. She just kept on swimming right through his "territory" and the other swordies joined in :D
i have 2 black widows (or blackskirts) and they get on fine and dont really bully the other fish. they are quite big so the other fish (inc Mr big bully beef the gourami) dont bother them. they are great fish

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