Aggressive Betta


New Member
Oct 30, 2007
Reaction score
Quebec, Canada
hi all
well i've had my new betta friend now for almost 2 weeks and he adapted really well to his new 5gl home compared to the LFS cup i think that's a great move up, anyways i know betta specially male are really aggressive but to what extent, i thought it was great when jumping to get worms off a sting but anytime i put anything close to the water he tries to attack it, he's bitten my fingers a few time to the point i'm scared to put my hands in there, he even goes after the net when i pick up stuff, i think it's cool to some extent and entertaining for guest, but is this bad should i not encourage this behavior, can this have bad consequences on him. I've had another betta that would jump for food but never anything like this. I know i'm somewhat new to fish keeping so i might just be ignorant about this, any input would be great
He a beauty my Hermes, I'll post pic later on
How often do you feed?
Does he see his reflection a lot? (in the tank walls, mirror?)
Does he have places to hide?
How often do you feed?
Does he see his reflection a lot? (in the tank walls, mirror?)
Does he have places to hide?

I usually feed him once sometimes twice a day
for reflexion when i do put a mirror he puffs up but the rest of the time he goes for us wwhen he sees us on top or stalks us when we walk into a room
i have a plant with lots of leaves (where the pleco hides alot) and a pice of wood

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