Aggressive Albino Buenos Aires Tetras - Tankmates?


New Member
Mar 29, 2006
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I have four ABA tetras, and they are fairly aggressive. I was just wondering if anyone knew of anything - algae eater, shrimps, snails, something - that would be okay with them to help keep my tank algae-free between cleanings. Thanks
I don't have ABA's but just plain ol' BA's ... they are very aggressive in small groups. I had 3- had to up the number to 6 PLUS 6 of another type of tetra. Finally they are acting much friendlier.
I've seen the albino ones for sale but only ever kept the ordinary ones.I had to eventually take them back to the shop as they wrecked my community tank.They nip each other and rip the fins of other fish in the tank.Even a bristle nosed plec got ripped up.
Why these are sold as community fish i don't understand. :crazy: :crazy:

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