Aggressive African Butterfly Cichlid?

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Jun 29, 2006
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I hope this is in the right forum.

I got an African butterfly cichlid and a bolivian ram about a week ago. They were fine, the butterfly cichlid chased the ram a bit but then they calmed down. I got a new bolivian ram yesterday thinking mine was lonely, but now both the old ram and the butterfly cichlid pick on the new ram - they keep chasing and nipping at it, and its colours have faded whilst the other two's colours have become very prominent. The african butterfly has also started to chase the old ram too.

Any ideas? Should I return the new ram to save him getting picked on, or return the african butterfly? Is this normal dwarf cichlid behaviour?
You might be better trying the new world section even though your fish is an african its a west african species where as most on here deal with rift valley in the east.

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