

New Member
Aug 11, 2007
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Over there. WAAY Over there, OK.
I know that bettas are aggressive by nature, but Rascal had been fine until recently. Now she's just tearing my molly Othello apart, it was scale damage not ich that i saw last night. (So far, Dezzi has been untoched.) I believe its because Othello was the dominant one before Rascal came. Before i remove him to a different tank (to treat his fin damage) i'm going to re-arrange my tank to provide alot of hiding spaces and break up territories. Other than this, what else can i do to help Othello?
Sounds like your doing eveything right TBH, you could always knock up a tank divider if you have the suitable materials lying about....
isn't it amazing how female bettas can be aggressive?

i have witnessed it first hand with my girl Isabel who gave a peace of her mind to Peaceful, my boy betta. after their second encounter, it was a bit more docile.

however, with the sorority tank, it was as if all girls were aggressive at night..during the day they were all chummy or what appeared to be a mostly 'get along' gang. but when i would wake up in the morning to feed, there was apparent fin nipping going on.

now they are mostly all good with each other but it takes time.

i had to pull a few girls out to heal them. but as soon as they went back in, they were nipped. everyone now is nipped but on their road to healing and recovery.

i also had to rearrange and create more nooks and crannies.

this is not to say though they will stop nipping. i know they all get along now. but every now and then, there seems to be a 'gotcha' nip and i see a betta spurt swimming across the bowl.
Well, i'm heading out to get a taller hiding space for them...although its not Othello that hides, its Rascal. And yeah, i've found that she only gets at him when i turn off my light. So until i can get him out and get the tank re-arranged i'm leaving my light on. I've really got to stop this though, Othello is shredded. Sheesh.

Girls are so mean sometimes :no:
I haven't put my male and female together yet so i don't know if they will attack ecah other

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