I have 3 new Tiger Barbs.They are small, med,large.The large one chases the other's around and sometime's my pink kissing gourami.Is this normal or is he just a bully?How do youi sex them?I wasa woundering if maybe he is a male?
I have 3 Tiger Barb's and 1 Kissing Gourami,1 Pocasutmous sp?{black sucking fish}1 Dragon fish{that my best friend just brought me} .All of this in a 10gl.And I have 3 large ghost shrimp and 3 black mystery snail's in a 1 gl tank.I was woundering if I can put the 3 shrimp and snail's in the 10 gl?Should I take the aggresive tiger and put him in the 1 gl?That seem's real small to me?Or would the nail's and shrimp help calm him down?Bless his heart he is starting to get on my nerves.lol.