Aggresive Female


Fish Crazy
May 7, 2006
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Hello :good:

I've got a male and female in the same tank and before they got on really well. Lately the female sneaks up behind the male and bites his tail :blink: .

Is this normal or some sort of mating ritual?
First of all, how big is this tank. If its just them and its 20 gallons or over IMO thats ok to have a male and a female but if its anything under that its definately not ok. I hate how in books they say to keep a male and female together, Please take them and put them in different tanks if its a small tank.
Uh.. geezer, unless you're breeding, which I think you're not, you're really not supposed to keep a male and female betta together. I have this feeling that several forum members are going to reply to your post.. :hey:
Bettas are agressive and territorial and should only be put together when breeding and only once both have been fully conditioned for 2 weeks. Your female is probably trying to prompt the male to breed and if he isn't ready then either of them could end up dead. If you do want to breed then please read all the FAQ's in the pinned topics.

Please remove one of them to a separate tank. Females can be kept in groups of at least 4 to even out agression and in no less than 10 gallons. Although my attempts at a female sorority have ended in failure and constant disease and illness from all the fighting.
Gulp, thanks all. I didn't realise that a female would be aggressive. I always thought it's only males and males that don't get along.

I didn't buy her for breeding, although I wouldn't mind some extra betta's :wub:

the tank is 25 gallons too

Please remove one of them to a separate tank.

the only other tank i have is a 55 gallon. it's got quite a lot of fast moving fish so i'm not sure if the female would appreciate this??

I hate the thought of keeping them in jars n stuff.

At the fish store he said keep them in no bigger than a 2 gallon. Although I read different online! My male betta loves it in there. He gets on well with the other fish as well :wub:
Loko... where da cheese did you get that if its 20 gallons it should be ok from? they will fight what ever tank they are in especially a 20 gallon!! they cant get away from eachother unless this tank is a VERY VERY VERY heavily planted tank which i doubt it is the male/female will be killed in the end :)

Seperate them.



Until you can geta real tank, just go out and buy like. A gallon bowl for 5 dollars and plop either of them in there.
could i put her in the 55 gallon?

it's a community tank but not sure if she'd like it :/
she can certainly go in the community at least temporarily. The females rarely have problems with fast moving fish as it is the long fins that make the males slow.
Well I should have been more clear about heavily planted, I read somewhere that if its a tank thats like 20 gallons or more and heavily planted you can keep a male and female in there as they wont run into each other. I wouldnt do it and I would take her out but if he didnt have any other option... I was wrong, sorry for misinforming you geezer. The female should be fine in the 55 gallon.
she can certainly go in the community at least temporarily. The females rarely have problems with fast moving fish as it is the long fins that make the males slow.

that's ok mate :good: no probs at all. The 25 gallon was pretty well planted (2 lots of amazon sword, few ferns) loads of small and big rocks.

but i did decide to move her to the 55 gallon tank. The gold gourami don't like her much but he is a grump with everyone :lol: .

The red coral platy likes the female betta though :wub:

I went to check on the male to see if he was happier - I put my finger in the tank and he took a huge bite of my finger :hyper: It actually hurt as well :D

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