

Jan 30, 2004
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how log will it take my yellow labs and tret and brichardi to grow to full size ....i know its going to take around 4-5 years for my altolamp to grow :crazy:
when i bought my my lfs said two years but they should be 3/4 there in 1 year, i bought to big of ish for my tank as i only checked after and now march is the beginning of the third month, and i am looking for a 70- 75. right now they are about 2.5 inches and they were tiny when i bought them
Labidochromis grow slow. It has taken about 2 years for my Lab to reach 5". Most Mbunas grow much faster than Labs. Frequent water changes really help speed up growth.
i was wondering if i can keep a marbled birchir with my africans because the birchir will only grow a max of 12in
I don't see how you can cator to the needs of Rift lake cichlids and the Bichir at the same time. It will also eat anything that it can, and an adult can eat an mbuna.

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