Agamyxis Pectinifrons


Fish Crazy
Jun 28, 2006
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i have a question, there is a specimen of this fish in my lfs that i have on hold, until i could do some research. its eyes were quite cloudy. it is about 5 inches in length, and it was priced at £6.40. any info on this fish would be greatly appreciated. it would be sharing a tank with a pair of convicts, and nothing else. it is a beautiful fish and i want it badly.
First off, try ScotCat or Planet Catfish for some information.

Essentially they grow very slowly to 4-5" (somewhat smaller than the striped Raphael Platydoras costatus) and are extremely nocturnal. I have a 3 foot tank with 8 doradids in (3 spotted and 5 striped) and despite one of the striped being about 6" in length I am lucky if I see one a week. Just putting one in a tank will often result in the fish vanishing until you completely re-aquascape.

Some people are luckier and have doradids that spend time on show, but these are by far the exceptions.

It should be fine with the convicts as these fish are the armoured tank of the Amazon with spikes (or scutes) running all the way down the flanks as well as very sharp spines on all fins. I have had one stick a spine into me and I actually couldn't get it off, so I doubt the convict aggression (should they mate) would seriously trouble the catfish,
Eventually I managed to thread the spike out the way it went in and put the fish back in the water. He was hanging from it for a few seconds and then got the idea. Worse is if you get your finger caught between body and pectoral fins, that hurts.

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