Some weeks ago the male bristlenose in my large tank vanished,a full search was done removing all the bogwood from the tank and checking inside the filter but the only sign of his existence was a suspicious lump in my shovelnose's belly Cursing my self for his demise i removed the female to another tank to prevent her from suffering the same fate but since have not really thought about it much...........that is till this morning when as i walk int the living room i notice all the fish gathered up by the filter outlet forming what appeared to be a queue,they were feasting on baby bristlenoses which were appearing from within the filter Well to cut a long story short ive managed to save about 30 of them which i have transfered to a fry tank,there may be more inside the filter but unless they come to the top there is no way of getting them without damaging them.If any of the fry survive to adulthood i will be breeding many more generations from this stock,they obviously had some real determination to be good parents by laying the eggs in the one place that none of the big carnivorous fish could get them and i think the poor male deserves it after his untimely death.