Aftermath Of An Outbreak Of Parasites...


New Member
May 23, 2007
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Montreal, Canada
I had a major outbreak of ich and chilodonella (I believe) in my 130 gallons tank. I tried treating it with malachite green but lost a couple of fish in the process. I set up rapidly a hospital tank, in which I put some salt (1tsp per 5 gallons) and I started giving bath using paraguard once a day to the remaining fish (one severum, two jack dempsey). They are getting much better, but I still see one of my jack scratching itself and twitching because of the parasite (no visible signs of it though). What should I do now?

My fish have not eaten since they were transported to the hospital tank, a couple of days ago. I suppose this is normal, but I worry.

Also, should I keep on doing paraguard bath to all the fish, or only the one that seems to still be afflicted? Should I add some medication to the tank in addition to that?

Finally, what should I do with my 130 gallons tank? Currently, there's no fish in it anymore (just some plants). I have done four 24% water changes. I bumped the temperature to 82F to speed up the parasite's life cycle. What should I do to make sure that there will not be any more parasites in it? How long should I let my fish stay in the hospital tank?

If the 130 gallon tanks do9sn't have any fish in it anymore the parasite will die without a host.
Look into this med.
Manufacturer: Aquarium Products
A very strong and effective medication for parasitic and protozoan infestations. Treats: Ich, Hydra, leeches, Planaria, Epistylis, Trichodina, Hexamita,Tetrahy-mena, body fungus, digenetic flukes, parasitic copepods, monogenetic flukes and anchor worms.

Look under Chilodonella
If you have a full outbreak of ich in the 130 gallon tank then bathing the fish seperately will do nothing. There will be ich present in your substrate as well as a few free swimming, so just dealing with the ich on the fish will not be enough.

I recommend you read the Skeptical Aquarist page on ich to get a better idea of what you are facing.
I agree with andy bathing fish is a waste of time, as the parasite still in the tank on plants, fish, ornaments, substrate.

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