After Spawning Care


New Member
Jun 19, 2010
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Hi All :)

A news: My parrots spawned about a week ago, and I was really happy, because I thought I was going to have their babies... But Unfortunately, all eggs turned to another color like gray and parrot couple threw them away and ate them finally.

I'm making the situation ready for their next spawning. I don't even know if they are really a couple :( So I uploaded a video of then in Here, and really seek for help, experts.

Which improvements do you suggest me to do?

Thanks in advance.
There really isn't much you can do. Male parrot cichlids are 99% infertile. It's because they are a hybrid.
As already said theres not much chance of them ever producing fry. To make them more comfortable I would get them a nice nest site like a large clay flower pot. Also your tank looks a little on the small side for them .

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