African Themed Tank


New Member
Apr 21, 2009
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I have been thinking of doing a themed tank that would incorporate species found in a natural African freshwater environment as I have recently purchased an African Butterfly Fish. It will mainly be a plant tank, supporting the ABF and a few communal African species for the lower levels of my tank(maybe thinking of one ADF.... any comments?). I have a 35 gallon octagon tank with no CO2 running (it's actually only just finished cycling) with a few guppies and ghost shrimp. Right now I have 2 small amazon sword plants, a few very small cryptocrynes and 2 small anubias floating for my ABF cover(no direct lighting on these as the tank was recently being stabilized). These were relatively cheaply acquired so as time passes I may plan on replacing them as my tank ages to fit the african theme.

Tank: 35 Gallon Octagon on a stand.(seems insulated enough for the root systems when they are introduced.)
Lighting: I have a coralife light with these bulbs:1 colormax and 1 6700k...(thats all i know)
Substrate: Gravel with a little sand on top of foreground
CO2: no

So... I was wondering if anyone else has a similar setup, or could recommend some great African Freshwater Plants and even some great African animal species that positively enhance plant tanks. Keep in mind my tank is newly established and only I am an amateur plant keeper. Tips such as possibly necessary/unnecessary CO2 or fertilizer would be greatly appreciated.


Hopefully i can get a few pics up soon....
Regarding the ADF as communal can be this creatures undoing. In some set ups with fast communal fish like tetras, the fish out compete the little frogs when it comes to feeding. using forceps meant for planting up aquariums to deliver food direct to the frogs mouth can work.

As for favourite African plants Anubis coffifolia and Aponogetons would be a good combo; the former is shade tolerant and the latter would give cover for that great fish you have. A.coffifolia is a cultivar but so beautiful I would make an exception.
All the best from Bill.
wow, great call on Aponogetons! your right it will be perfect for my ABF's cover. did a little research and they both seem to help establish newer tanks even more. i appreciate and look forward to all comments.
Here are some native African plants.

Anubias barteri var. angustifolia

Anubias barteri var. barteri

Anubias barteri var. nana

Aponogeton boivinianus

Aponogeton longiplumulosus

Aponogeton madagascariensis

Aponogeton ulvaceus

Bacopa monnieri

Bolbitis heudelotii

Ceratophyllum demersum 'Foxtail'

Ceratopteris thalictroides

Cladophora aegagrophila

Crinum calamistratum

Crinum natans

Cryptocoryne undulata

Egeria densa

Eleocharis parvula

Lilaeopsis mauritiana

Myriophyllum mezianum

Nesaea crassicaulis

Nesaea pedicellata

Nymphaea lotus (zenkeri)

Riccia fluitans

Salvinia natans
I recently bought three "beta bulbs" (Aponogetons) and threw them in my tank. hopefully i will see some small results within a week or so. look forward to finding out what they species they are and will send pics when things get goin.

i also just bought a Jungle CO2 system and have been wondering when to add it, or if i should just return it while i can. it takes tablets with a recommendation of 4 a week for my 30 gal and i'm wondering how much those tablets bill will accumulate to.

one last thing, any ideas for fertilizers for my anubias,a.swords, crypts and Aponogetons?

thanks for that great list also


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