African Leaf Fish help needed


New Member
Apr 7, 2004
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Roanoke, Virginia
Okay, I recently bought an african leaf fish at a nearby petsmart. I had no idea it was a carnivore and ate other fish (i don't think they knew either), but anyways does anyone know what type of fish i should feed it? (it is about an inch long and has eatten all my neon tetras which were the same length). Thanks so much!
Leaf Fish are hard fish to keep often only accepting live foods. Any small fish will be eaten and like alot of predators, they have big mouths!
If it ate your neons, it will eat guppies. When it gets bigger it will probably eat goldfish. You should try to ween it of fish though. Try dangling eartworms over the tank maybe.

Here, I found something ryan wrote about them
African leaf fish
Thanks for the help everyone. I did buy small feeder guppies, but it doesn't matter now because every single fish in my tank is dead. Yeah, i have no idea why, i guess it may have been ick. We went away for two days and now they're all dead. 3 pretty big angels, 1 leaf fish, and 1 big pleco. Hmmm i don't know. I'd had one of the angels for at least a year. thanks anyway everyone.

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