african frog


Fish Crazy
Apr 15, 2004
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I have a 29 Gallon fish tank. Tropical fish community and such. Always 80 degress and I have a beta, crab, 2 blue gouramis, 2 bala charks, and 2 clown loaches that are missing (presumably dead). Would a african frog go with these type of fish? I heard the crab would eat the frog and in the beginning the frog would have bits and pieces missing from it. Is any of this true? And also if the frog gets big like 6" will it eat the beta? I heard this from petsmart and petco. Please help me.
lol, first of all african dwarf frogs dont get that big at all. they will never eat a fish, and if so, maybe fry, but its never happened to me.

about the crab and frog, im not sure,
Just make sure that you get an african dwarf frog and not an african clawed frog or else you will soon hav a 29 with only a frog. The ACF don't have webbing on their front toes, so make sure to look for this.
Hi mrcrabbs :D

Welcome to the forum! :hi:

First, let me explain that there are 2 different kinds of aquatic frogs: African Dwarf Frogs and African Clawed Frogs.

There is a link in my signature that will take you to a thread with a lot of information and links about them. Why not check it out and then ask some more questions in our Invertebrates and Amphibians forum? The people that keep these creatures will also be able to answer your questions about crabs. :nod:

I'll be moving this thread there too.

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