African Frenatus Eel


New Member
Sep 7, 2006
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I just bought a small, brown and black striped spiny eel from the LFS. I looked up African Frenatus Eel on google and got, essentially, that it won't get bigger than 10 inches, which is good enough for me. Anyone know any specific care info on this guy?
If it IS that eel (and it might not be there are lots similar), 15" wild size (fishbase), so around 10 captive size id guess is right.

Id expect them to tolerate harder water, but otherwise much the same as any other spiny eel - live or frozen bloodworm/brineshrimp etc as food, dont waste your time trying to tempt with pellets or flake, it wont happen.

Provide a tank with a soft substrate, no sharp gravels, not too bright (all my eels enjoy a covering of floating plants and thus stay out of the sand, without the cover they spend all their time hidden and are not happy this way.)

Wont compete well with fish who eat faster, generally speaking (although BIG eels compete just fiiiiiiiiine, they also tend to eat their competitors if they can).
Yup. I've kept peacock eels before, and it is DEFINITELY a spiney eel of some sort. Really interesting pattern though. He should eventually end up in a 40 gal with spotted raphaels, tons of hiding spots (on account of the raphaels) and lots of plants (on account of thats just pretty). He should be fine around 76, 77 degrees, right?
If in doubt... use Fishbase!

Note the relatively high pH and hardness requirements. Not a species for tanks with soft water. Adding a little crushed coral or coral sand to your filter would be a good way to buffer the pH a little. Not all community tropicals will enjoy such conditions, so don't keep it with species that need soft/acid water.

Cheers, Neale

I just bought a small, brown and black striped spiny eel from the LFS. I looked up African Frenatus Eel on google and got, essentially, that it won't get bigger than 10 inches, which is good enough for me. Anyone know any specific care info on this guy?

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