African Dwarf Frogs


Fish Fanatic
Apr 12, 2007
Reaction score
Puget Sound, WA
i just have a couple questions, do these frogs need a filter in their tank? or a heater?

i have a small tank and the only kind of filter it can use is one with an air pump but i cannot tolerate those things so i need to find something i can keep in there that will survive without a filter. and i hate bettas.
I've got Dwarf frogs in my community tank which has an interd\nal power filter nd is heated to 25 degrees. I'm pretty sure they have the same requirements as most tropical fish.
I used to have a couple of frogs (not sure what type) and found they would only eat live food, which became a problem as I had to buy packets of live bloodworms every couple of days because the worms didn't live long and half were already dead each time. Both died in the end because they woldn't eat any dried food.
mine is not a dwarf but has been living in a tank with no heater for the last 1 1/2 years. When I bought it they told me that it would stay almost the same size but has grown to get pretty big. I was moving it from one tank to another and before I could get the sharks out the frog decided to have a snack. He held on to him for 20 minutes and then let him go.....the shark is still alive.
mine have always died and i have kept them in the up most prestine conditioons whats wrong?
ive been doing some researching and aparently they do not need filter or a heater (although it wouldnt hurt). i dont know why yours have died because they are supposedly hardier than the hardiest fish. maybe i will have better luck?

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