African Dwarf Frogs Keep Dying


New Member
Jun 30, 2008
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I bought my first 2 African Dwarf Frogs about a week ago, and stuck them in with my Betta. They tank had been cycling for about a week beforehand, and the Betta had been in there for a day or two. Everything was going fine, the frogs were eating and hiding and swimming, until this morning I woke up and one of them had gotten caught in the filter intake overnight and was dead. The other one seemed fine and very active today. I unplugged the filter until I can get some foam or cheesecloth to cover the intake, and went to get another frog tonight. But the minute I get home, what do I see? Frog #2 floating at the top, very dead, for no apparent reason! Both frogs(and my new one) were shedding their skin, but I figured since it looked identical to how my turtle sheds that it was normal?
I have the frogs in a 20g tank with an Aqua Clear 20 filter, and a heater but it doesn't need to be turned on as room temperature is about 20 at night, more during the day. The water was treated with conditioner, and the Betta and Siamese Algae Eater seem fine.
Here is my set up(before I started cycling it):


Is there anything I can do to see that my new frog gets a fighting chance?
adf's are sensative to water conditions. Your tank isnt completely cycled and wont be in only af few weeks, i would wait a few weeks (4) minimium then try to add them. Also cheese cloth a great idea as i have lost adf's that way as well. one last thing you might want to look at is the temperment of the betta. Mine hates adf's and attacked them when every i tired to add one, so he might be beating up on your adf's. do you test your water? if so what are the stats? and what size tank do you have???
I agree Alexf, I think the betta may be agressive towards the Adf
It's a 20 galleon tank, so they all have plenty of room to stay away from each other, and the frogs have tons of hiding spots. The Betta actually doesn't seem to care. The frogs stay out of his way for the most part, the other day they were side by side in the plants, and neither seemed distressed. The Betta will chase the Siamese Algae eater, but that's because he hasn't learned yet to just stay away from the Betta. The new frog seems way more active in it's first day than the other two did, it took them a couple days to settle down but this guy seems fine. The filter and fixings weren't brand new, so the guy at the store told me they didn't need to cycle as long since the carbon and stuff was already broken in? That's probably not true after all, lol. If this frog kicks it I won't get more for a while, I guess, and defiantly from a different store. Thanks guys!
what they told you i wouldnt take as try unless it was still wet, the only way to know is to test your water. i had horrible luck with them as well and have temporarily given up on them til i get a small tank for maybe 1-2 of them by themselves.
mine keep disappearing,have a small gap either side of my tank,due to lid being hinged but have lost 3 now


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