African Dwarf Froggy!!


Fish Fanatic
Oct 28, 2003
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Well I got an ADF a last week, and after putting him in the tank I didnt see him all weekend. During the week I get up at 6:30am to turn the tank on for the fishes 7am feeding (before i go to work), and so far this week 6:30am is the only time i have seen this froggy, and each time he was hanging out in the same spot. but as soon as the lights turn on he runs off somewhere and by the time i've drank my coffee and head back over to feed the fish at 7 hes long gone, and so far i've never seen him eat. :blink: also i can never find him in the day time, is this normal? from other pplz posts i gather that they see their ADF's all the time. oh yeah my 3 ghost shrimp are pulling the same stunt, i've seen less and less of them all week, and didnt see them at all today :sad: help!! i need info!!! thnx ~dEx :*

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