African Dwarf Frog suitablility


Fish Fanatic
Apr 6, 2010
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I was checking out the ADF thread in the species index.
Great post!
I was thinking of getting one of these next, maybe even a male & female
they're really sweet looking in the pet shop.
I'm going for a variety of peaceful fish in my tank so these would be great.
i have had dwarfs now for two years, with three four years of experience though my brothers tanks as well.
they are a very nice little frog, just be warry of smaller fish, frogs try to eat anything they think they can put in their mouths, so if you have shrimp don't expect to see them around much longer. i usually keep two in my 26 gallon tank, just be careful with them that they are actually dwarf frogs, there are other types of aquatic frogs that are not has freindly ie the claws, and tutty fruity ones. (yes thats a frog)

i highly recommend these frogs espeically if you are just starting out, for they are farily easy to please
i have had dwarfs now for two years, with three four years of experience though my brothers tanks as well.
they are a very nice little frog, just be warry of smaller fish, frogs try to eat anything they think they can put in their mouths, so if you have shrimp don't expect to see them around much longer. i usually keep two in my 26 gallon tank, just be careful with them that they are actually dwarf frogs, there are other types of aquatic frogs that are not has freindly ie the claws, and tutty fruity ones. (yes thats a frog)

i highly recommend these frogs espeically if you are just starting out, for they are farily easy to please

I was considering shrimp but in the long term it doesn't seem like a great idea as they're not very hardy
They have a nice selection of dwarf frogs at my LFS so I'll have a look this weekend,
I'll probably feed them frozen bloodworms with either hand or a turkey baster I've been told is quite a good method
yes and again - - make sure they are african DWARF frogs....african CLAWED frogs look very very similar when they are young but they have completely different needs!

african dwarf frogs will have webbing between the toes on all four feet and their eyes are flush against the side of their face....
please don't get anything like a "tutti fruity" frog....african dwarfs only - ONLY - naturally come in varying shades of brown with various spotting patterns.
tutti fruity frogs are dipped in acid and then dipped in dye to be colored, or they are injected - - either way it is very painful and it overall reduces the lifespan and health of the frog.

if it is albino, stay away - -that is an african clawed frog

and as for dwarfs eating fish, i have been caring for adf for a very long time - - the only fish i have ever seen one of mine eat is a fry. clawed frogs on the other hand are voracious eaters and will eat absolutely everything.

if you have any questions about your little guys...let me know!

oh and how to sex them - - the males will have a small pink-gray gland under their will slightly resemble a pimple. females don't have this gland and upon reaching adult hood are much fatter than males.
yes and again - - make sure they are african DWARF frogs....african CLAWED frogs look very very similar when they are young but they have completely different needs!

african dwarf frogs will have webbing between the toes on all four feet and their eyes are flush against the side of their face....
please don't get anything like a "tutti fruity" frog....african dwarfs only - ONLY - naturally come in varying shades of brown with various spotting patterns.
tutti fruity frogs are dipped in acid and then dipped in dye to be colored, or they are injected - - either way it is very painful and it overall reduces the lifespan and health of the frog.

if it is albino, stay away - -that is an african clawed frog

and as for dwarfs eating fish, i have been caring for adf for a very long time - - the only fish i have ever seen one of mine eat is a fry. clawed frogs on the other hand are voracious eaters and will eat absolutely everything.

if you have any questions about your little guys...let me know!

oh and how to sex them - - the males will have a small pink-gray gland under their will slightly resemble a pimple. females don't have this gland and upon reaching adult hood are much fatter than males.

In all the stores I've been in I've not seen one dyed frog or fish, which has gotta say something good about the stores...

I've personally never liked the albinos so I definitely wont be getting one of those,
the only 2 in the shop are the albinos and the brown adf, I'll probably be getting one saturday

I did read about the sexing in a post on here but what I think I'll do is get one and find the sex then get the opposite a while later, I know they're generally peaceful but if I do it this way would they be territorial?

Thanks again for the great advice by the way, you've both been really helpful
adf are not territorial at all - - you can keep any number together of any ratio of sex. it is just one of the great things about the little guys!

and don't be afraid to tell the employee to put a frog back - -if you see any redness at all on the skin do not take the frog - - it means the frog has an infection and will most likely not live long - make sure you see the frog moving/swimming around, looking inquisitive, running from the net,- - if you see any ill looking frogs, just wait for the next shipment - - it will be less stressful and heart breaking for you in the long run if you start out with healthy froggies!!
Excellent! I'm so excited about getting one tomorrow

I rarely see them being to active in the shop tho, mostly hiding under anything they can, most of the time they look like they're being squashed!
apart from when the food comes out

Ill get a couple of frozen bloodworms and one packet of live for the day I get him
Yes love live and frozen foods, mostly bloodworms and also live blackworms. I used to feed mine frog and tadpole bites along with the frozen live food, once they start eating they are hard to stop lol.
mine accept the fish flake crisps as well, as my sinking waffers, i have actually seen my frogs grabbing the waffers before they hit the ground. also get some things that they can cling to for the surface, i used to have some floating plants, now i have a floating log that they will occassionally climb out on and just sit
mine accept the fish flake crisps as well, as my sinking waffers, i have actually seen my frogs grabbing the waffers before they hit the ground. also get some things that they can cling to for the surface, i used to have some floating plants, now i have a floating log that they will occassionally climb out on and just sit

frogs are not flakes do not give them the nutritional content that they need to remain healthy....while you can't STOP them from eating them if they live in the same tank as fish...they should by no means be intentionally FED fish flakes - - be careful so that a frog-keeping newbie doesn't read that so they don't end up having sick and ill-nurished froggies!!!!
I've got him now, I'm feeding him bloodworms when I can find him lol,
he seems happy enough, he doesn't have an overly large appetite but that might be to do with adjusting to his new tank :)

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