african dwarf frog male or female


New Member
Mar 21, 2005
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i currently own one african dwarf frog and i wont to get him/her a companion of the opposite sex but i have no bloody idea of how to tell the diffrence between the male or female
can someone please tell or better yet show me how to tell
Males are longer and more slender, and have a little pink or white pimple on their sides underneath their forearms.

Females are more stout and thicker through the body, and, though they may have the pimple the males do, it's not as obvious as it is on the boys. Females also have a stub of a tail.

Also, any frog that comes up to another frog and grips them around the waist hard with the forearms is a boy. That does not, however, mean that the one being gripped is a girl.

Another thing: only males make a low humming at night during the spring and into the summer.

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