Fish Herder
Hello there normally this is not a section of the forums i tend to frequent but of late i've been doing some lurking and have finally come to my decision. Baisicly it's coming up to my first year of fish keeping on sunday to be exact and i would like to treat myself to a new addition to the aquatic family but fish are starting to lose my interest i have one 20gal community tank and the other 3 are betta tanks. Although i love my bettas i want to try something new so. My first thought was axolotls as i've wanted one since i first heard of them but space restictions mean i will have to wait and i thought i would be best starting off with a nice easy amphibian that would grow to an ample size.
I've been researching all i can but i still have a few questions for those who know best
1. The tank available is a 12gallon (54litre) i understand that a ACF requires at least 10gals but what is the requirement for two?
2. Are they a social creature? Do they prefer to have the company of their own species or can they live happily alone
3. Which would be a better choice a male or a female? or one of both or one of each? I love the chunkiness of the females but i'm aware males are smaller and so may be better for the tank
4. Aside from bloodworm daphina etc. what else can they eat and can they eat krill?
Thats all i can think of for now but there may be more i'm all about providing the best for my pets i have ADFs but aside from them i am a complete amphibian novice haha so any and all help is appreciated from you fantastic lot
I've been researching all i can but i still have a few questions for those who know best
1. The tank available is a 12gallon (54litre) i understand that a ACF requires at least 10gals but what is the requirement for two?
2. Are they a social creature? Do they prefer to have the company of their own species or can they live happily alone
3. Which would be a better choice a male or a female? or one of both or one of each? I love the chunkiness of the females but i'm aware males are smaller and so may be better for the tank
4. Aside from bloodworm daphina etc. what else can they eat and can they eat krill?
Thats all i can think of for now but there may be more i'm all about providing the best for my pets i have ADFs but aside from them i am a complete amphibian novice haha so any and all help is appreciated from you fantastic lot