african clawed frog


Apr 10, 2005
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Ontario, Canada
I've found out that they can thrive in a wide range of ph levels.
I've also come across some information regarding algea removing chemicals.

under the "Specific Care Information", about 1/2 way down, it says not to use an algea removing chemical?
Does anyone know why?
And when they say "chemical" do they mean a liquid of some sort?
I've been using "algone" in my clawed tank now for 3 months, I havent noticed any ill side effects, but who knows? Perhaps there is a long term effect?
Any ideas?

Frogs, Toads, and the like take in water through their skin, and are very sensitive to anything in their water. That's why it's not recommended to have salt in their tanks, or use any medicine with them that's not specifically formulated to use with them. It may not cause immediate effect, but it can do harm over time.
The worlds frog populations and general health is declining due to polluntants etc in the water.
Its sad, I know.
And, of course, I dont want to duplicate these problems in my own aquaria.
But, will the slate and higher Ph and Gh bother them, or make them less immune to the envoirment I have them in?
Thats the question I need answers too.
I've read that the clawed's do fine in higher Ph levels, therefore the Gh shouldnt be that much of a problem either.
I was hoping someone here may of had similar experiences or even used slate in a tank they housed they're froggies in, or even had a high Ph level for other reasons and had no prob's with they'e frogs.
Generally, I dont go by what I read or research on the net, but by first hand experience by either folks I know, or an overwhelmingly large positive or negative response in the few forums I "cruise".

thanks for the response, hope things get better for the frogs!

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