African Cichlids


New Member
Apr 24, 2020
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The current boss of the tank, my red empress (Protomelas taeniolatus). It's hard to capture his colors with an iPhone camera.

Red Empress.jpg
Beautiful cichlid, I had 8 African Cichlids as rescues years ago, they took over my 55 gallon tank. White with black stripes mostly. They had plenty of fry.
Thank you! I am hoping to keep only males to avoid the fry, but I bought mostly juveniles so it is hard to tell. I'm sure I'll end up with a female or two. So far, they're a lot of fun to look after. I have a few that are coloring up (or back up, I accidentally bought a few that were fed hormones) and it is fun to see the change. I'll post pictures of some of the others as well, when I manage to take a not blurry picture lol. I have a two dragon bloods, a bi-color, a Lawanda, and an OB that are showing really nice colors.
When one of my daughters brought the 8 cichlids home from college they were too young to tell what they were. As they grew they became aggressive and I ended up moving the other fish except a large pleco that they left alone. They took over parts of the tank and paired up. It was fun at first watching them and their fry but it did not take long before they overran my 55 gallon tank. I gave away most of the young to friends and the LFS . They loved rearranging the plastic plants.
Dragon Blood Peacock (Aulonocara sp)

Blood Parrot.jpeg

Orange Blotch (another hybrid)


Bicolor 500 (Aulonocara Maulana)


Lwanda Peacock (Aulonocara sp. Lwanda)

My light is technically supposed to be used for saltwater (ecotech radion) so it is a very blue light. It does a good job of bringing out the natural blues in my blue fish and I like it on this tank since it isn't planted. Also, I know I need to scrape my acrylic.
Bought as a "Fire Fish" cichlid from Wetspot. He's much yellower than my other two Fire Fish/Dragon's Blood and is albino. My camera had a very difficult time photographing him, especially when he refuses to stop moving. :rofl:
Firefish .jpeg
Bought as "Strawberry Sunburst" cichlid:

Strawberry Sunburst.jpeg

Flavescent Peacock "Aulonocara stuartgranti"

Flavescent1 .jpeg
Flavescent 2.jpeg

Bonus of my Bicolor (please note that the strange thready looking thing is not a worm, but a cat hair in the water lol)

BiColor New.jpeg
Beautiful fish. You really should enter one of your Fish of the Month contest.

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