African Cichlids


Apr 25, 2004
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Dearborn Heights, MI (Near Detroit)
Ok, I'm not a *total* newbie, but my experience is only a few months long and with just the basic fish - mollies, guppies, etc. Here's what I'd like to do:

I have a 29-Gallon Tall tank - measures 12 inches deep, 24 inches tall and 24 inches wide. (Measured it last night). Right now the tank is home to an assortment of Mollies, Guppies, Cories and Tetras. I do like the combination - but my problem is you can't see any of the fish from across the room, which is where I usually am. I'd like to replace the school of fish I have with a few fish that are a bit bigger, even if it means I can only fit a couple in the tank. (For instance, instead of 15-20, going with 3-5.)

I found a rather nice LFS last night that I was really impressed by and the gentleman at the store and I had about an hour long talk. He seemed to know what he was talking about, but I didn't want to jump on his advice without getting a second opinion.

First off - he's agreed to take in my entire stock of fish and give me credit for 1/2 of whatever they'd sell for in the store. Not bad - most places will only do 1/3. Anyway, I told him the parameters of my tank, and here's what he suggested:

He pointed out some African and Peacock Cichlids. If I remember correctly, he said the Peacock & Dwarf stayed a bit smaller than the African - but the African got to be about 6-8 inches and I could hold about 3-5 in my tank without a problem, as long as my filtration was able to support the fish.

So, my question is this: If I'm looking to trade in my current community of peaceful, community fish for something that's a bit more vibrant, larger and easier to see from a distance, what would you recommend? So far I've only been introduced to the idea of having a cichlid only tank with a bottom feeder and a smaller pleco.

Suggestions and advice is greatly appreciated. :)
I recently went through this same thing, with the same sized tank. I just cleared it out after doing my 50, and I was looking for something to put in my 29. I would start by looking at these 2 links, that show some good cookie-cutter setups that can give you an idea of what you want.

The first is actually for a 20 gallon long, but the setups will work for a 29. Here.

The second is for 29s. Here.

Thanks for the recommendation - that's a pretty cool site! :D

Do you happen to have any photos of your new setup? I'd love to see what their cookie cutter ideas look like. It'd be cool if they'd post photos of them. :)

Of course - I'm still open to any ideas anyone else has!! :D
Hi there becca-

Read my signature. I have 5 mbuna's in my 29 gallon. There bright and colorful and all get along great. plus they grow to about 4 inches. Plenty big enough to be able to see!
Thanks much, Nina. I'm open for all sorts of ideas. I'm definitely sold on clearing out the tank and starting over. I hate to do it, but I have found a very NICE LFS that takes excellent care of their fish and has agreed to take mine in. So - I have the perfect opportunity to correct the stocking mistakes I made way at the beginning due to lack of knowledge.

I was thinking though, and maybe you (or anyone out there) can help me out a bit. Since I have the extra tall, why not go with Angels? Maybe 2 Angels, keep 5 of my 6 cories since I like them so much and maybe find some small (2" - 3") semi-agressive, or cichlid type, fish to keep in the tank.

Let me know what you think! (Good or bad!!!)
I don't know that much about angels. However if ou tank is extra tall, it musn't be very wide??? Maybe someone with a little more angel knowledge can help you there.

As far as keeping your cories with cichlids, it would depend on what kinda cichlids you are thinking about. Cories should never be kept with the more agressive species. I believe they can however be kept with rams and kribs.

your lucky though that you are able to correct your mistakes! Keep asking lots of questions and researching and i am sure your second attempt will be much better!

Good luck
Becca said:
Since I have the extra tall, why not go with Angels? Maybe 2 Angels, keep 5 of my 6 cories since I like them so much and maybe find some small (2" - 3") semi-agressive, or cichlid type, fish to keep in the tank.
Becca... Since your 29 gallon is extra tall, I think angels would be an excellent choice vs. African cichlids. Africans like lower longer tanks, and the angels will do very well in the tall tank. I just set up a 26 gallon tall tank with a few nickel/quarter size angels and a school of harlequin rasboras. A nice setup.
Becca said:
Thanks for the recommendation - that's a pretty cool site! :D

Do you happen to have any photos of your new setup? I'd love to see what their cookie cutter ideas look like. It'd be cool if they'd post photos of them. :)

Of course - I'm still open to any ideas anyone else has!! :D
No, I'm still waiting for the lfs to get a pair of kribs for me. :grr:

And the rest of the fish I can't buy yet, I am poor. :/
African cichlids are very interesting fish aren't they? I will probably get some someday but right now I can't afford any more tanks (let alone have the room for any!). If you are thinking about getting them I suggest doing a lot of research on the different species and requirements. Depending on which of the Rift Lakes they came from they could have different territorial needs.

If you carefully research before getting African cichlids they could work but they are more difficult then your basic community fish. Community fish are easy, they can deal with stresses that would kill those cichlids. Since you already have the tank established you wouldn't have to worry about cycling the filter. You would probably want to change the decorations and add some rocks to build caves and make the tank look more natural. African cichlids can not deal with ammonia and nitrite so you would have to remain vigilant and do lots of water changes. They would probably be a lot of fun though. Maybe you could even get some mouthbrooders and see one of the most interesting breeding methods! If you are willing to be dedicated then it could work out fine.
heresmike said:
Becca said:
Since I have the extra tall, why not go with Angels?  Maybe 2 Angels, keep 5 of my 6 cories since I like them so much and maybe find some small (2" - 3") semi-agressive, or cichlid type, fish to keep in the tank.
Becca... Since your 29 gallon is extra tall, I think angels would be an excellent choice vs. African cichlids. Africans like lower longer tanks, and the angels will do very well in the tall tank. I just set up a 26 gallon tall tank with a few nickel/quarter size angels and a school of harlequin rasboras. A nice setup.
I agree with heresmike. :nod:

Africans are better off in a tank with a larger footprint than yours. Your tank would be ideal for a pair of angels. I would also add a pair of rams. Hopefully your lfs has them already acclimated to your local tap water. IMHO, those are stronger and healthier fish.

You'll want to keep your tank at 80-82F with the rams and angels. :)

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