African Cichlid Tank Help


Fish Fanatic
May 16, 2012
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After pondering a Amazon River Biotope for a few weeks, I've decided to wait on it until I get the 125 Gallon. I still have an empty 55 Gallon. The dimensions are 48 X 12 X 20. I'd really like to do an African Biotope on this one. The main reason is the "Powder Blue Cichlid". I saw one at my LFS and he was really eye-catching.

Here's the main fish I want in there:

Labidochromis caeruleus(Yellow)
Pseudotropheus socolofi
Melanochromis johannii

With that being said, how many of each should I get, and is there any other fish I should/can add? I also will need a bottom feeder. I've been looking at synodontis, any suggestions on which ones to get?

Thanks for all the help and hopefully after a little help from you guys I can start my 55 Gallon African Biotope Journal.
Also considering Pseudotropheus Acei (Msuli). Not a overall "stunner" cichlid, but I believe they're a very attractive fish. Hoping to get some help soon, but not in a huge rush since my tank isn't ready yet. It's cycled,and has had fish in it for a couple months, but still working on getting the rocks/decorations/plants to my liking.
The acei get quite large so id just stick with the 3 species in your first post. 3 to 6 of each species will be perfectly fine in a 55G tank. The syno's will be a good choice of BN(bristlenose plecs) are a popular choice for a malawi tank. :good:
What's your plans as far as filtration goes?
Filtration is going to be a biowheel on one side recommended for up to 150 gallons, and one the other side I'm running another internal with used filter media. Also plan on using aragonite sand and putting some crushed coral in the filter. I know they both buffer the PH so is that overkill or will they work fine together?

I was hoping to get albino Socolofi and breed them, is it hard to do?

Thanks for all the help! :fish:
That will be fine, the better the filtration the happier the malawi's will be, plus buffering the water will help. The socolofi shouldn't be too much of a problem to breed, try and get 1 to 3 males with 3 to 6 females, excellent water quality with regular water maintenance and they should breed pretty quickly. :good:
Probably a stupid question, but if I were to breed 2 albino's would their baby be an albino?
x+x=x... albino+albino=albino unless there's another gene and the pigmentation is not ressecive

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