African Cichlid Question?


New Member
Jul 21, 2009
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im curious.....can you temp. house juvenile african cichlids in a community tank? A friend got a bunch of "assort. african cichlids" from their lfs. they have babies now and want to get rid of some. im going to try to find out what spp. for sure. i know they have some yellow labs. i currently have a setup with 2 keyholes, a gourami, platys, corys, a pleco, cherry barbs, and rasbora het. thier juveniles are under 1inch, and im going to get another tank setup eventually. looking for some advice... thanks
i wouldnt advice it. maybe some yellow labs if you kept aggressive cichilds but as yours is a community i wouldnt, plus theyd want diff water parameters (harder water). also if there out the mixed tank they wouldnt usually be as good quality
Yellow labs are considered the least aggressive species of African Cichlids, but that does not mean they are peaceful. They would still be too aggressive for a community tank. My suggestion would be to not house them in your community tank, they are just too aggressive.

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