African Butterflyfish (pantodon Buchholzi)


Fish Crazy
Dec 29, 2007
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Hi I have a heavily planted 55 Gallon softwater tank now with a pair of Angels, pair of BNs and a striped Raphael would a African Butterfly fish be ok? I have heard that they can be aggresive but is this only towards other fish that swim at the top of the tank? We also keep reptiles so always have crickets and mealworms would these be suitable foods?
i've got one and they're really tame , will happily take crickets and mealworms. just make sure nothing thats remotly fin nippish is in with it. it will try and eat anything small but unless its slow it wont get eaten.
Thanks for the replies. Has anyone ever seen more than 1 for sale at any given time in a given area. I see them for sale quite often but only 1, never more. I have seen 2 for sale but in different LFSs never the same. Is it worth asking my normal LFS to order them in if so would 3 be ok? Then I could also add something else too. :rolleyes:
Is it worth asking my normal LFS to order them in if so would 3 be ok? Then I could also add something else too. :rolleyes:

i'd definately consider it, after all if they can get them in its a bonus.
I've found in groups of 3-4 they generally feel more secure, a lone P.Buchholzi generally are generally more skittish.
Thanks for the replies. Has anyone ever seen more than 1 for sale at any given time in a given area. I see them for sale quite often but only 1, never more. I have seen 2 for sale but in different LFSs never the same. Is it worth asking my normal LFS to order them in if so would 3 be ok? Then I could also add something else too. :rolleyes:

They sell them in the truckload down here, I've seen tanks full of about 30 of the guys >.<
Also try get them 1 male to 2 or 3 females, you might even get breeding activity :)

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