African Butterfly


Aug 19, 2007
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Middlesbrough, England
I have seen them mentioned a number of times, and wonder. Looking at my signiture, could I keep one?

Also. I haven't done my homework, but, is it ethical to keep them in a home aquarium?
Tiger Barbs and a Butterfly fish probably not a good idea tbh. since you only have 3 which isnt enough for a shoal. Id expect the Barbs to nip the Butterfly fish to pieces.
Also, the butterfly would probably eat all your neons and glowlights.
Lets just say, for argument's sake, that I got rid of the neons and tigers. Would a four foot surface be adequate?
More then enough room in there. :good:

You could fit 2-3 in there.
...Also, what of their needs? What do they like to eat? I suspect they are not very keene on pizza.
And the depth of the water. Is it to deep?

I could google all this. But the problem with that is, it doesn't involve YOU. Also, people have different experiences. And thus, they tell a different story.
mine ate bloodworm, crickets, flake food, mealworms.

The depth doesnt really matter, they only ever go down to the bottom when scared.

They need a tight fitting lid, and they like a few floating plants to hide in. They should be the only fish in the top area, and mine didn't like fast flowing currents.
Thanks, Esfa, I'm still unsure. I might be getting a bigger tank. I might wait until then to consider Butterflies. but they are damn beautiful.
they only need a tank of 10-15gal according to the profile on here. a 66gal would be huuuge for them. :good:
Yes, but my concern is, all my other fish use the tank space. Thus thay have lots of room. Where-as the butterfly rarely leaves the suface. So, it only has a small area to move around in. I is perhaps an unfounded concern, But a concern just the same.
Butterflys really dont move, lol.

They just lurk, and then stalk and strike when they see some food :good:

It's nice that you are obviously thinking about your fishes quality of life, but a 66gal is like a whole country for a butterfly fish. :nod:
I've got my guy in a 55gallon tank, watch out witht he Neons, glowlights, and barbs as these guys have a trap door mouth and could probably swallow them all *gulp*, I'd say stay clear of them until you know for certain that'd you'd be getting rid of the barbs, neons and glowlights.

My guy eats pretty much whatever he can, flakes, frozen, freeze dried, they aren't too picky. As said, a 10-15 gallon tank with suffice for them, they aren't highly active. My guy stay towards the front glass to avoid the current of the HOB filter. They're pretty easy to care for, and not too picky about PH.
Make sure you have food other than flakes, as most ABFs wont eat flakes. I think all will eat bloodworms. Ocasionally i fed mine crickets, but dont always feed crickets as they dont have much nutrition.
Butterfly fish are ambush predators, they eat meat, bloodworm, tubifex, live foods, brineshrimp the lot. They have a MASSIVE mouth so as mentioned ditch anything that "might possibly maybe" fit in its mouth as the Butterfly fish will try to eat it.
not a fan of abfs but do put up some pictures of your tank once you got them. thanks :D judging form what i've seen so far its gonna look great. i think :lol:

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