African Butterfly Fish?


Lets go Flyers
Sep 17, 2006
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Will it work with dwarf loaches and kuhlie loaches in a 29g? I don't want it to eat my expensive fish. :crazy:
are dwarf and khulie loaches expensive? i guess it depends on your definition of expensive?
Dwarf loaches are. $15-20 each. plus shipping, since they don't sell them at my lfs.
yep thats expensive!!!

i dont believe African Butterfly fish venture that low in the tank for food?

Unless the loach venture up, then it could be all bets off!
That's what I'm thinking...
From what I've read (i dont have the dwarf loaches yet) they sometimes school mid level. And my kuhlies go everywhere along the glass.
Dwarf loaches do school mid-level quite often, especially if they're in a smaller shoal. However, they're quite boisterous, if not aggressive (think danios during feeding time). I don't have experience with African Butterfly fish, but I've seen them in stores and I'd have a hard time imagining they could catch chain loaches, given their confusing, tight, and fast schooling patterns when active, and their habit of hanging out in a group inside a cave when inactive.
African Butterfly's will eat absolutely anything they can get in their huge trapdoor mouthes. If its small enough and gets close they will try simple as that.
well technically if the abf stays at the top and your loaches stay where they belong (at the bottom) without venturing up for food then its okay but you know, thats not possible :lol: yeah i wouldnt risk it
I agree with Stradum. ABF's are cheap here only 2.50
well technically if the abf stays at the top and your loaches stay where they belong (at the bottom) without venturing up for food then its okay but you know, thats not possible :lol: yeah i wouldnt risk it

Yeah I'll definately avoid it. My kuhlies are pretty much trained to go to the top for food. :D
ABF's are nocturnal hunters so they stay at the top during the day, then hunt on the sleeping fish like tetras, barnbs, ect basicly anyhting that will fit into its mouth

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