African Butterfly Fish


Fish Fanatic
Nov 15, 2003
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st. clair. county, il
I bought an African Butterfly Fish 6 days ago and he will not eat i have tried crickets and meal worms and he will not eat. is there anything i can try to entice him to eat or is there something else i can try to feed him.

Thanks Greg
My girlfriend spotted Butterfly fish a few weeks ago in walmart. I think she wants to get one but I don't know how well they would get along with my other tank mates. One is possibly on the list for my next tank though. I read they like live meals, perhaps hes just shy right now?
My wife has one in her tank, we feed him pellet food, which we we break up into bits big enough for him to fit in his mouth (what a big mouth!).

Sometimes he just ignores the food, but eats it later on. We found that he got to recognise the sound of the lid being lifted, and now swims out to greet us and wait for his food.

Give him a bit of time - he may just be adjusting to his new home.


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